Benefits Planning
The purpose of benefits planning is to provide timely and accurate information to Social Security Administration (SSA) beneficiaries on how employment will impact their SSI and/or SSDI disability benefits. Benefits planning helps beneficiaries understand SSA’s work incentives and other Federal efforts to remove regulatory and programmatic barriers to employment for persons with disabilities.
The purpose of these work incentives are to:
- Help you achieve gainful employment
- Increase your independence
- Provide you with options to choose from
- Help you acquire self-support
- Facilitate informed choice
How can we help?
The Community Partner Work Incentive Counselor (CPWIC) will explore with you and your stakeholders how to best utilize the work incentives available to you. Work incentives may incude Trial Work Periods, Extended Period of Eligibility, Impairment Related Work Expense, Blind Work Expense, Student Earned Income Exclusion, Plan for Achieving Self Support, extended Medicaid 1619 (b), Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits and much more.
Additional Services:
- Advisement and Counseling
- Information and Referral
- Benefits Management and Follow-up
- Short-term and Long-term Support
- Consumer Education and Training
Call us or submit a benefits planning request to Bertha Vega at