Workforce Strategies

Madera County Workforce Development Plan

The purpose of the local workforce plans and related partnerships is to facilitate access to workforce services at the local level. Individuals will access and experience the broader workforce system through local service delivery efforts, primarily those partners operating in the local Workforce Assistance Center system, but potentially through other partners of the workforce system as well. It is at the local level where services are integrated, resources braided, and supportive services provided to individuals being served by the partners.


San Joaquin and Associated Counties Regional Planning Unit – Regional Workforce Development Plan 2017-2020

Regional plans and partnerships required by WIOA are the primary mechanism for aligning educational and training provider services with regional industry sector needs in the San Joaquin Valley region. California state law requires coordination between the K-12, Community Colleges, and WIOA systems and requires the use of sector strategies as the operational framework for the state’s workforce system. The main aim of regional plans is the development of “regional sector pathway” programs, by which we mean the identification, utilization, and servicing of career pathway programs aligned with regional industry sector needs in the region.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) mandates regional workforce planning as does the State of California. The San Joaquin and Associated Counties Regional Plan covers ten counties via eight local Workforce Development Boards (Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Mono, San Jaoquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare).