
Let us Know How We’re Doing!

Have you been to the Workforce Assistance lately? Your experience is important to us and helps us build a system that ensures we have the resources and information you may need! Please let us know how your visit was by completing this short survey. ENGLISH https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SXCXBFP   ¿Nos has visitado recientemente? ¡Su experiencia es importante…

SURVEY: High School Diploma/GED for Entry Level Jobs

Attention Employers and Industry Leaders! We are conducting a survey to gather valuable insights into the standard requirement of a High School Diploma (HSD)/General Education Development (GED)  for entry-level positions. Your participation will help us understand current trends and policies regarding education requirements for entry-level positions. Please provide your input here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5L832GH

SBDC Small Business Workshop Series

Buckle up as the SBDC reveals tips, techniques, and examples of how you can start and keep a small business profitable and thriving during these FREE workshops! The Basics of Starting a Successful Small Business – October 25, 2023, 5:30PM to 7:30PM Registration: https://ucmsbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/15552 Creating the Best Business Plan for You! – November 1, 2023,…

Workforce Boards do More Than Just Find Someone Jobs

02/08/23 A warm handoff: how workforce development boards do more than just find someone a job People who are able to read English with proficiency can expect to nearly double their income. BY: RAUL CLEMENT JANUARY 19, 2023 (https://calworkforce.org/cwa-news/3351/)   Literacy and Employment When we talk about lowering unemployment, we’re not just talking about creating more…

Small Business Assistance Grant

County of Madera Small Business Pandemic Assistance Grant Program  Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program The County of Madera is offering microbusiness Grants to microbusinesses located in Madera County, Including the Cities of Chowchilla and Madera. To qualify, the microbusiness must have been in business prior to December 2019, with five (5) or less employees including…

Good Jobs 4 the Central Valley

On August 3, 2022, the Economic Development Administration announced that Fresno County EDC’s Good Jobs proposal has been awarded funding to provide training, hiring, and job placement support in four regionally significant industries: Professional and Financial Services; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Manufacturing; and Building and Construction in Fresno, Kings, Madera and Tulare counties. At this…