Madera Workforce Awarded Disability Employment Accelerator Grant

The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), granted $300,000 to Madera County Workforce Investment Corporation for the DEA 19-20 SFP. The DEA grants are part of the Governor’s Discretionary Funds awarded to design, develop, and implement projects that accelerate employment and re-employment strategies for people with disabilities (PWD).

The Local Board will utilize funds to:

  • Recognize the existing skills of PWD rather than focusing on the possible need for additional vocational training.
  • Improve the one-on-one relationships with hiring managers to increase individualized referrals of qualified PWD.
  • Create or expand work-based learning opportunities for PWD such as PWEX, TJ or internships in significant work settings, pre or registered apprenticeships or OJT.
  • Educate high-demand industry-sector businesses on the value of hiring skilled PWD.

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